...馆际互借(Interlibrary Loan)就是对本馆没有的文献,在本馆读者需要时,根据馆际互借制度、协议、办法和收费标准,向外馆借入;反之,在外馆向本馆提出馆际互...
interlibrary loan service 馆际借书 ; 馆际互借服务
Interlibrary loan application service definition 馆际互借应用服务定义
interlibrary loan clerk 馆际互借业务员
Interlibrary loan application protocol specification 馆际互借应用协议规范
Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery 文献传递
Interlibrary Loan Desk 馆际互借室
ILL interlibrary loan 图书馆际互借的图书
N a system by which libraries borrow publications from other libraries 馆际互借
What does the student imply about the interlibrary loan service at his last school?
Today, in addition to that important function, it serves as a reference library for the public and sends out many books to other libraries on an interlibrary loan system.
If the library lacks the books you need, they will obtain them through their interlibrary loan system.