...国际会计协调 国际会计协调(International Accounting Harmonization) 目录 1 什么是国际会计协调 2 国际会计协调的目标[1] 3 国际会计协调的主要形式[1] 4 国际会计协调的范围 5 国际会计协调的必然...
On International Accounting Harmonization 略谈国际会计协调
international management accounting harmonization 国际管理会计协调
accounting international harmonization 会计国际协调
international harmonization of accounting 会计国际协调
accounting standard international harmonization 会计准则国际协调
International Harmonization of Accounting Practice 会计实务国际协调
international harmonization of accounting standards 会计准则的国际协调
Discussing International Harmonization of Accounting 会计国际协调刍议
International accounting harmonization is quite an elastic and dynamic concept.
International accounting harmonization has become the focus of the theoretical and practical issues.
The article analyzes the reasons and the obstacles, and expounds the route that our country takes part in the international accounting harmonization.