我按周老师说的告诉他们去找外事处的袁老师,还煞费工夫的用了外事处的正名——国际交流中心(International Exchange Center),老外轻巧地问了句“where?” Where?
Psychotherapy International Exchange Center 心理治疗国际交流中心
Tokyo International Exchange Center 东京国际交流馆
Goldman Sachs International Exchange Center 高盛国际交流中心
Chinese medicine international exchange center 中国医药国际交流中心
The International Exchange Center 国际交流中心
Hellas-China International Exchange Center 希中国际交流中心
Henan Totalway International Exchange Center 大通国际交流中心
Beijing International Sports Exchange Center 北京国际体育交流中心
The students can surf the Internet both in International Exchange Center and International students' Apartment.
Go to the reception desk of International Exchange Center or International Students' Apartment with the Accommodation Notice and your passport to check in.
Beijing is China's second largest city, but also China's total land and air transport hub and the most important domestic and international exchange center.