第一节 国际金本位制 一、 国际金本位制 的形成 国际金本位制 ( International Gold Standard System )作为一种商品本位制,是世界上最早出现的国际 货币体系,一般将1879-1914 年称为国际金本位时代。
That is the belief of those such as Nobel laureate Robert Mundell, who reckons we have a far inferior international monetary system today than we did a century ago under the gold standard.
这正是诺贝尔奖得主罗伯特·蒙代尔(Robert Mundell)等人的信念。蒙代尔认为,目前的国际货币体系远不如一个世纪前金本位制度下的体系。
Triffin' s problem reveals the dilemma of international monetary system under gold ex-change standard and this proposition has its typical meaning and it is necessary to make anextending.