笔者曾经区别"国内法的统一"(unification)与"国际协调"(international harmonization)这两个概念,将前者定义为:首先设定共同的国际规则或标准,然后各国遵照国际规则或标准制定并修改国内法以实现各国国内法的统一;将...
...用的结果,即应准予其专利申请,故在此等先进国家间,对于商业方法专利的态度,已逐渐出现国际调和(international harmonization)的趋势。
International Harmonization on Competition Rules 竞争规则的国际协调
the international harmonization 国际协调
International Harmonization Effect 国际协调效果
accounting international harmonization 会计国际协调
international harmonization of accounting 会计国际协调
accounting standard international harmonization 会计准则国际协调
International Harmonization of Accounting Practice 会计实务国际协调
international harmonization of accounting standards 会计准则的国际协调
Discussing International Harmonization of Accounting 会计国际协调刍议
International Harmonization System of Trademark Registration is aimed to harmonize the regional differences in trademark registration systems by means of treaty obligations to promote transnational trademark registration.
参考来源 - 商标注册国际协调制度构建之法理探析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The evidence in this study supports the on-going process of international harmonization of accounting standards.
The Committee shall develop a procedure to monitor the process of international harmonization and the use of international standards, guidelines or recommendations.
It explores the nature and principles of international harmonization of accounting, and regards IAS as focal content of international harmonization of accounting. The...