非洲:无国界医生在行动—《当代世界》—2011年第1期—龙源期刊网 s Frontieres)瑞士分部在日内瓦召开的小型国际研讨会,主题是“各方对医疗人道行动的理解”。出席者分别来自无国界医生这一国际非政府组织( INGO,InternationalNon-governmentalOrganization)散布于世界的19个分部、联合国相关部门、国际红十字会以及一些教学科研单位。通过参加这次会议,本人对无
abstract:The World Bank defines a non-governmental organization (NGO) as "private organizations that pursue activities to relieve suffering, promote the interests of the poor, protect the environment, provide basic social services, or undertake community development"."World Bank and NGOs.
"It's unheard of, " said Yao Songqiao, a Beijing-based consultant with International Rivers, a non-governmental organization that focuses on protecting waterways.