international prototype of the kilogram
...夫球大小、上了锁的圆柱体,确立了全世界一公斤(2.2磅)的准确质量。 国际公斤原器(International Prototype of the Kilogram)又被称为大K(Le Grand K),是一个闪着微光的铂铱合金物体,它是同类中硕果仅存的一个。
...的,是一块放在法国巴黎近郊的国际标淮局(BIPM)保险箱的尺度砝码——国际千克原器(International Prototype of the Kilogram,简称IPK)。高尔夫球大小的IPK由90%铂和10%铱打造,平时放在真空封存的三层玻璃罩内。
international prototype of the kilogram
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
The name is a reference to International Prototype kilogram, as a base unit of mass in the International System of Units.
The international prototype kilogram, the primary standard (see weights and measures) for weight, is made of an alloy comprising 90% platinum and 10% iridium.
' The currently accepted answer is the mass of a cylinder of platinum and iridium called the International Prototype Kilogram.
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Because of this, the actual International Prototype Kilogram (yes, there does only seem to be one in existence) is stored in a vault in Sevres, France, limiting the lay person's ability to determine the actual weight of a kilogram.
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The problem with that definition, of course, is that not just anybody can measure it -- since most of us don't have an International Prototype Kilogram laying around, especially since every time the thing is picked up a few atoms rub off of it making it a little bit lighter.
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