Sohu blog: blog service by Sohu, a popular Internet portal site, just upgrade to allow users to add various widgets into their blogs.
Sohu blog搜狐博客:由门户网站搜狐提供的博客服务,允许用户将不同的小插件添加到他们的博客页面中。
Greg Aharonian, who runs the Internet Patent News Service, a site devoted to intellectual property news, said he believed that at least some of Apple’s patents would be found to be invalid.
Greg Aharonian 经营着互联网专利新闻服务(致力于知识产权新闻的网站)这家网站。 他相信至少有一些苹果的专利将是无效的。
Once TSF arrives at a disaster site, they set up telephone connections and Internet service.