interval estimation [数] 区间估计 ; 区域估计 ; 区间推定 ; 区间预计
interval estimation method 区间估计法
confidence interval estimation 置信区间估计 ; 区间估计
bayesian interval estimation bayes区间估计 ; 贝氏区间估计 ; 贝叶斯区间估计
Bayes interval estimation 贝叶斯区间估计
multivariate interval estimation 多元区间估计
General step of interval estimation 区间估计的一般步骤
point estimation and interval estimation 点估计和区间估计
Bereichsschaetzung interval estimation 区域估计
wound interval estimation 损伤时间推断
Conclusion Normal distribution theory may be used in the interval estimation and hypothesis testing of rank sum.
Results: Deduce the formula of the interval estimation of small sample and large sample.
The methods are presented for generation of control signal, determination of collect interval, estimation of directional function and revision of directional wave spectrum.