... insert-pollinated flower 虫媒花 intracellular 胞内的;细胞内的 immunosuppressive drug 免疫抑制药物 ...
2/ 3的TBW或体重40%的水是在细胞内(intracellular)。 1/ 3的TBW或体重20%的水是细胞外液(extracellular fluid,ECF)。
intracellular receptor 细胞内受体 ; 胞内受体
intracellular enzyme [生化] 胞内酶 ; 细胞内 ; 细胞内酵素
intracellular fluid [生理] 细胞内液 ; 胞内液 ; 细胞内水 ; 胞内水
intracellular recording [生理] 细胞内记录 ; 第三节 ; 胞内记录
intracellular electrode 细胞内电极
intracellular transport [细胞] 胞内运输 ; [细胞] 细胞内转运 ; 细胞内各种物质在各细胞器间的转运 ; 胞内转运
intracellular calcium 胞内游离钙 ; 细胞内钙离子 ; 细胞内钙 ; 胞内钙
intracellular carbohydrate 细胞内糖
intracellular symbiosis [细胞] 胞内共生 ; [细胞] 细胞内共生
"intracellular fluid"
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ situated or occurring inside a cell or cells 细胞内的 [biology]
There are signs that intracellular algae may be directly providing the products of photosynthesis to the salamander cells that encapsulate them.
Superparamagnetic magnetite nanoparticles were surface-modified with lactobionic acid (LA) to improve their intracellular uptake and ability to target hepatocytes.
The intracellular use of glucose and glycogen is tightly regulated at four points.
This is a signal - this passing of phosphorous - is a signal that's used very frequently in intracellular communication.
They're small molecules, they're lipid soluble, they can go from extracellular to intracellular.
I did want to say a little bit more about kinases because they're so important in intracellular communication and kinases take advantage of the fact that proteins can often exist in more than one state, and that's what makes them useful molecules inside cells.