一、皮肤试验 皮肤试验包括皮内试验(intracutaneous test)、 点刺试验 ( prick test )、划痕试验(scratch test)和斑贴试 验(patch test),是诊断变态反应性疾病的常规检测方法。
echinococcosis intracutaneous test 包虫病皮内试验
Intracutaneous test of intramuscular injection 肌注皮试
Intracutaneous Irritation Test in Rabbits 兔子皮内活性测试
Intracutaneous injection Test 皮内注射试验
intracutaneous tuberculin test 芒图氏试验 ; 皮内结核菌素试验
Methods To detect the allergens of eczema with Intracutaneous Test.
Evaluated the biocompatibility through the experiments including a cute systemic toxicity test, pyrogen, intracutaneous test and long-term muscle and bone implant test.
Objective to explore a simple method of cleaning skin before intracutaneous test to take the place of 75% alcohol so as to lower the pseudo-positive rate and prevent skin from infection.