inventory taking 存货盘点 ; 库存量评价 ; 存货盘存 ; [贸易] 盘存
physical inventory taking 实际库存量评价
taking inventory 盘点存货 ; 盘存 ; 清点存货 ; 盘货
physical l inventory taking 实际库存量评价
supervision of inventory taking 监盘
The supervision of inventory taking 存货监盘
Taking a physical inventory 实地盘存 ; 盘点库存存货
The scope, time limit and organizational procedures for inventory-taking of property shall be clearly defined; and.
In this article, we build an inventory-management system and note-taking scripts for your role-playing games, while working on the interactivity of your PHP scripts.
You might have an idea of what type of business you want to get into, but taking inventory of your capital will give you a realistic sense of what franchise opportunities are possible for your budget.