We think this investment of time will give us a much stronger infrastructure to grow WordPress.org for the many tens of millions of users that will join us during the 3.x release cycle.
我们认为这样的时间投入会提供更牢固的基础使我们更好的成长,我们在3 . X系列中的新用户将会有几千万。
Many graduates join consultancies and put up with being merely affluent—instead of joining investment banks and becoming obscenely rich—for the intellectual stimulation that consulting seems to offer.
许多毕业生毕业后不去让他们可以富的流油的投资银行,而转向咨询公司,去忍受只做个稍稍富有的人。 这都是咨询对它们刺激的结果。
Nonetheless, a few months later Mr Moelis agreed to join UBS, another big Swiss bank, to build up its American investment-banking unit.