英文缩写大全 > ITP: inosine triphosphate ... GI - 镀锌铁,白铁皮 NVOCC - 无船承运人 IDU - 接口数据单元 ...
Invisible Trade Rate 非贸易汇率
invisible trade balance [贸易] 无形贸易差额
Foreign Exchange of Invisible Trade 非贸易外汇
invisible trade items 无形贸易项目
invisible trade deficit 无形贸易赤字
invisible trade bulwark 隐形贸易壁垒
balance of invisible trade 无形贸易收支差额
invisible trade rate detail 非贸易汇率
management of invisible trade 劳务输出入管理
For example there is a great deal of sea transportation tall ship in Greece and Norway etc. nation, providing a conveyance service, this is a kind of invisible trade.
In addition to visible trades such as import and export goods and merchandise etc. outside, there is also invisible trade, include the commutation for serving of the of nation among them.
Another brought down the World Trade Center, closing its Windows on the World restaurant forever and putting up new invisible and concrete walls among people at a time shen we thought 11.