探讨建筑工程招标管理工作 - xzbu.com 中国论文网 关键词:建筑工程,招标,管理 [gap=513]Keywords: building engineering, invite bids, management
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This text is from analysis developments the engineering invite bids the history origin and development that bid, invite bids to bid of produce, development and the procedure of its movement set out, join together the our country the invitation to bid the key problem that bid market's face, and bring up to the importance that the developments engineering invite bids to bid the norm the management to study;On foundation towards prosper nation and region invite bids bid market policy and operation process proceed system research, point out the current our country invite bids to organize the standardization of the inside that problem, pass the developments engineering invite bids the buildup set up and make use of, bring up to resolve the future development mindset of these problems-invite bids the agency the organization's application.
参考来源 - 建设工程招标投标规范化管理策略研究