...Apple 已确定 iPod shuffle(第三代)配备线控的 Apple 耳机在某些情况下可能会无法工作极少部分的 iPod shuffle 用户会遇到这样的问题。
You mean this is another third-generation iPod shuffle debacle?
你的意思是这是另一款第三代iPod shuffle吗?
My favorite for a quality yet budget-friendly MP3 player is the iPod Shuffle.
我最喜爱的MP3播放器是ipod shuffle,它质量好,还物美价廉。
The iPod Shuffle had an identity crisis and lost its button (it's back now, don't worry).
iPod Shuffle曾遭遇身份危机并失去了它的按钮(现在又回来了,别担心)。
I usually just put shuffle on my iPod and whatever comes up, comes up.