abstract:The Iraq Study Group Report: The Way Forward – A New Approach is the report of the Iraq Study Group, as mandated by the United States Congress. It is an assessment of the state of the war in Iraq as of December 6, 2006, when the ISG released the report to the public on the Internet and as a published book.
CongressmanFrankWolf was the author of legislation that created the IraqStudy Group, the bipartisanpanelthatissuedareportin 2006 assessing U.S.strategy in Iraq.
For his part, US President Barack Obama is receiving guidance on contending with Iran from former Congressman Lee Hamilton, who co-authored the Baker-Hamilton IraqStudyGroupreport published in December 2006.
It will be his response not just to last month's IraqStudyGroupreport, which advocated the withdrawal of combat troops from Iraq by early next year, but also to the evident truth that the current plan is not working.