...和道德责任是有区别的。如果我们的行为引发了一起事故,那么在因果上我们是有责任的,但这不表示我们在道德上也有责任。 回想一下Obadiah Stane,aka铁霸王(Iron Monger),他曾改造了铁人装甲,让装甲能够受他控制。Tony不知情,他穿上了装甲,Stane迫使他去攻击神盾总部。
N-COUNT An ironmonger is a shopkeeper who sells articles for the house and garden such as tools, nails, and machine parts. 五金商人 [英国英语]
N-COUNT An ironmonger or an ironmonger's is a shop where articles for the house and garden such as tools, nails, and pans are sold. 五金店 [英国英语] [oft 'the' N]
An animatronic puppet of the Iron Monger was built for the film by Stan Winston Studios.
Both pit Stane's larger, more powerful Iron Monger armor against Stark's greater experience, and both also feature an exploding reactor as a prominent feature of the battle.