By contrast, Mr Murdoch comes across as a man possessed, driven by a somewhat irrational lifelong desire to be recognised as, in Michael Wolff’s title, “The Man Who Owns the News”.
而默多克先生给我们的印象是,像着了魔。 仿佛他的毕生心愿就是要不断征服世人的认可,用传记作家迈克尔·吴沃夫的话来说,他特别想成为“那个宰制新闻的人”。
Sometimes, with the greatest reluctance, force is necessary to hold back the chaos which injustice and the irrational element in man threaten to make of the world.
The common inadequacy of traditional rationalism and irrationalism lies in the their ignorance of the fact that man is an "integrated man" with an integration of the rational and irrational.