以上来源于: WordNet
As illustrated in Figure 1, the same IRS e-File 1120 XML message is stored, exchanged, and used as the basis for display through an XForm.
如图1所示,为了通过XForm进行显示,对同一个IRS e - File 1120 XML消息进行存储、交换和使用。
As well as living longer, the mice without IRS-1 also experienced better health than the normal mice as they aged they had brighter eyes, were more alert and were much healthier overall.
除了寿命更长,缺少IRS - 1的老鼠在老年时也更健康,它们视力更好也更警惕。而缺少IRS - 2的老鼠寿命则有所减少,且表现出肥胖和2型糖尿病。
Objective to determine the effects of long-term estrogen replacement treatment on blood pressure and expressions of insulin receptor (IR) and insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) in myocardium.
目的:研究长期雌激素替代治疗对血压及心肌组织胰岛素受体(IR)和胰岛素受体底物1 (IRS 1)表达水平的影响。