... It is lunch time! 午餐时间到了 It is nap time! 午睡时间到了 It is time to go home! 放学回家了 ...
It could be a result of spending more time in certain positions than my body is used to. Or it could be that I sometimes nap on the couch and other times in the bed, which my body isn't used to.
Separating the profiles from the actual alarms is brilliant, because it lets me quickly set up a "nap" alarm (i.e, a one-time alarm) using one of my existing profiles, so it takes mere seconds.
将情景档案与实际使用的闹铃分来可谓神来一笔。 这样一来,我就可以利用我已有的情景档案来快速设置一个“午睡”闹铃(即一次性闹铃),只需短短几秒即可完成。