... GOING FROM GOOD TO GREAT 超凡音乐人 It S Going Good 这将很好 doing well and going good 把事情做好与做好事 ...
s going good it&apos 这真是神奇
The new coach was the great midfielder of the 50's, Nils Liedholm. Liedholm's coaching career was not going so good and it was replaced by Ariggo Sacchi.
新总裁引进了一些新人,有罗伯特·多纳多尼、保罗·马尔蒂尼和荷兰三剑客( 范·巴斯腾、里杰卡尔德和古力特),新教练是50年代赫赫有名的中场球员尼尔斯·利德霍尔姆,利德霍尔姆的教练生涯不是很顺利,结果被萨基取代。
So I feel like it's going to have a good chance." But another of our "critics."
VOA: special.2010.03.01
Nobody is going to say to themselves, "Oh, well, it's not such a good talk because the slide projector broke."
And it's good because you're preparing other people. You're informing them that you're going to be moving forward.