你好,我是贾清铄 » Hello, I am Jia Qing Shuo 在某人看来似乎 » It seems that a person 今天我家包了粽子,有好多的好吃的佐料,实在是太好吃了!
It seems reasonable that a person who often goes to the movies pays more in total for movie tickets than a person who rarely goes.
It seems to be that part of our brain remembers and seeks out, usually unconsciously, someone who will emotionally resonate to a person (usually one or both parents) in our family.
At the moment, it seems absolutely unacceptable that this other person—whether it's a mother, a husband or a best friend—disagrees.
And it seems that if we accept the body view, we have to say being a person is not an essential property of being something like me.
If we say that to be a person is to be a P-functioning body, it seems then as though we have to conclude that when you're not P-functioning, you're dead.
But notice that that label,personal identity, the problem of personal identity, seems to have built into it the assumption that whatever it is that's me is going to be a person.