Jack of all trades 万事通 ; 多面手
Jack-of-all-trades 万能博士 ; 是“多面手 ; 万事通
A jack of all trades 一个样样都懂的人 ; 三脚猫 ; 博而不精的人 ; 外星人
Jack-of-all-trades s 是“多面手”
"You have to be a jack-of-all-trades up here," a local later told me.
“But it’s good to have explored my potential by being a jack of all trades, ” said Liang.
“但这种多面手的工作对于挖掘个人潜能很有好处。” 梁思敏说道。
If you try to be a jack of all trades, you'll probably never become enough of an expert in anything to stand out from the crowd.