... 沿用传统的出产方法 with traditional methods 洁白如玉 jade white 备用详详目录,惠索即寄 catalogues will be sent upon request ...
White Jade 汉白玉 ; [宝] 白玉 ; 条纹白玉 ; 白玉玺
jade white paint 玉石白油漆
Jade white china 美玉白瓷
White jade gong 白玉觥 ; 西汉夔龙白玉觥
white jade carving 白玉雕刻品
White Jade chocolate 白玉朱古力
Lotus-shaped white jade cup 莲花白玉杯
Wenshan White Jade 文山白玉
Hekou White Jade 河口白玉
The jade white jade, strong luster for oil moisten, artifacts, round, surrounded by three cicada, and engraved with geometric decorative surface, the skin natural jade.
They also appreciate seals, lacquerware, antique rhinoceros horn, archaic bronzes, carved wooden furniture and jade, especially the white sort from Khotan.
They chose nine pieces, including the jade elephants and a rare imperial white jade bell of which only three others are known to exist.