...欧洲央行执委兼德国央行行长魏德曼(Jens Weidmann)周三(4月24日)指出,在确保欧元区各成员国在公共财政方面具有充分信誉与信心的这一过程中,法国方面应当身先士卒地起到表率作用。
让各国央行承当盈余不太可能让德拉吉争取到德国央行(Bundesbank)行长、欧洲央行治理委员会成员延斯·魏德曼(Jens Weidmann)的支持,后者示意,在各国不合错误盈余担任的状况下入行量化宽松操纵将违背欧盟法律。
...06月10日讯,德国央行行长怀德曼(Jens Weidmann)在周五表示:“低利率要适可而止,如果欧央行长期将利率维持在极低水平投资者将会愈发紧张,从而增加了风险溢价突然上涨的几率。
The central bank made its latest bond purchases with ill-disguised reluctance and, importantly, they were opposed by Jens Weidmann, the President of the German Bundesbank.
央行最近购买债券颇为勉强,更重要的是,德国联邦银行总裁Jens Weidmann的反对。
Mrs Merkel also stays in touch with the Bundesbank's president, Jens Weidmann, formerly her economic adviser, even though he has denounced some of the bail-outs she has backed.
默克尔还跟德意志联邦银行行长,也是她的前经济顾问,Jens Weidmann,保持着联系,即使他曾经反对过默克尔的一些政策。
Over the weekend, the head of the Bundesbank, Jens Weidmann warned that such bond purchases were against the ECB's rules, and he ruled out a lender-of-last-resort role for the central bank.
周末,德国联邦银行总裁Jens Weidmann警告这样购买债券违反欧洲央行的规定,他否定了央行的最后贷款人制度。