John Walker 沃克 ; 约翰·沃克 ; 尊尼获加 ; 约翰·获加
John Walker & Sons Odyssey 尊尼获加尊酩
The John Walker 创始纪念版
Saint John Walker 圣约翰步行者
John Walker and Sons Ltd 获加父子有限公司
Walker John 名称
For example, a geologist named John Walker entered into an agreement with LaFarge North America in 2006 to conduct a joint venture on a stone quarry project in Haiti.
比如说,2006年,一位名叫约翰·沃克尔的地质学家就与LaFarge North America公司达成协议,负责领导一家合营企业在海地的一个采石场项目。
John, this is my friend, Walker.
Benjamin (voiceover) : and then without fail, Walker says, John always made sure he came in last - and took the punishment.