早在1832年,约翰·奥杜邦(John Audubon)已经到达干龟群岛开始研究乌燕鸥。上世纪50年代末期,Bill Robertson和Betty Robertson博士对乌燕鸥的迁徙路径和繁殖行为开展了2...
“It’s only happened once before. It’s a confluence of circumstances that come together to cause this,” said John Rowden, citizen science director at the Audubon Society’s New York chapter.
And now a team of paleontologists has published a full-body portrait of another dinosaur, in striking plumage that would have delighted that great painter of birds John James Audubon.
如今一个古生物研究小组发布了另一种恐龙的全身肖像,它身上引人注目的羽毛色彩让著名的鸟类画家John James Audubon感到兴奋。