Mr. Cameron's team are not proposing to revive the non-coop policy that John Major tried during the "beef war" of 1996, another unhappy Tory European memory.
Mr Cameron's team are not proposing to revive the non-coop policy that John Major tried during the "beef war" of 1996, another unhappy Tory European memory.
卡梅伦的队伍并非提议重拾1996年约翰•梅杰采用的“不作为”政策(non-coop policy),是时英国与欧盟进行“牛肉战”,这也是保守党在对欧盟问题上一个惨痛的回忆。
Cameron and his new party strategist Lynton Crosby, who helped Australia's John Howard win four elections, told Tory MPs they risked damaging their prospects for the 2015 general election.