Advanced Jostling 当你冲撞平民时将更容易保持平衡
jostling throng 摩肩接踵
jostling loss 推挤损耗
molecular jostling 分子冲撞
jostling possibilities 冲突的可能性
jostling sand piles 挤密砂桩
V-T/V-I If people jostle you, they bump against you or push you in a way that annoys you, usually because you are in a crowd and they are trying to get past you. 推搡; 推挤
You get 2,000 people jostling each other and bumping into furniture.
We spent an hour jostling with the crowds as we did our shopping.
V-I If people or things are jostling for something such as attention or a reward, they are competing with other people or things in order to get it. 争夺
...the contenders who have been jostling for the top job.