让我们循着这些人物的名字,来探秘万能万有之神赋予他所拣选的儿女的奥秘。 ... Joatha约拿单:名字意思是:“神”、“神有恩惠的” Judah犹大:名字的意思:“赞美” Korah可拉:名字的意思:“白的”、“秃头,冰” ...
Judah Maccabee 犹大·马加比
Judah Friedlander 贾达·弗雷德兰德 ; 德兰德
Kingdom of Judah 犹大王国 ; 犹太王国 ; 犹大国
Judah Folkman 福克曼 ; 佛克曼 ; 福尔克曼 ; 佛可曼
Judah Klausner 克劳斯纳
The Lion of Judah 犹太狮子
Zab Judah 扎伯 ; 犹达赫 ; 尤达赫
Jeff Judah 杰夫·犹大 ; 杰夫·尤达
N the fourth son of Jacob, one of whose descendants was to be the Messiah (Genesis 29:35; 49:8–12) 犹大; 雅各的第四个儿子,其后代之一成为复国救世的弥赛亚 [Old Testament]
Marley's daughter Judah was three years old when she made the recording with her father.
VOA: special.2009.06.05
The worship practices of ancient Israel and Judah clearly resemble what we know of Canaanite and Ancient Near Eastern worship practices.
We call this the wilderness, the wilderness of Judea between Jerusalem and the Dead Sea, the wilderness of Judah or Judea.