在20世纪好莱坞音乐剧空前绝后的黄金岁月中,朱迪·嘉兰(Judy Garland)是最经久不衰的一位。奇怪的是,她从未达到好莱坞魅力女性的标准,却也无法从我们的脑海中散去。
Judy Garland Medley 茱蒂嘉伦之歌
The Judy Garland Show 茱蒂·嘉兰秀
Over the rainbow Judy Garland 彩虹之上
The Essential Judy Garland 唱片名
Judy Garland & Mickey Rooney 表演者
Judy Garland Museum 朱迪·葛兰博物馆
You can not mention stars of the past without mentioning the great Judy Garland.
Judy Garland won an Oscar Juvenile award in 1939 for her role; a gong she would later refer to as the Munchkin award.
At 19, he got a job as an usher at CBS Television City where, on his first day, he was assigned to The Judy Garland Show.
19岁时,他成为哥伦比亚电视城的一名引座员,第一天上班,他就被派到《茱蒂•嘉兰秀》(The Judy Garland Show)。