just right 恰到好处 ; 正合适 ; 刚刚好 ; 恰好
Just Right is not Enough 刚好的不够 ; 恰好的不敷 ; 刚份伊纯够 ; 恰好的不够
Your timing is just right 你来得正好
Gotta look just right 一定会很精彩
be just right 正合适 ; 丝毫不差 ; 正适合
it was just right here 它只是在这里 ; 它只不过是在这里权利 ; 就是在这里正好
Kellogg'S Just Right 家乐氏什锦果仁麦片
The Just-Right Pet 谁的宠物
"You did just right," said the widow.
I experimented until I got the recipe just right.
I can't give it what it wants," know that when you're writing code and the problems that will remind of this, if you absolutely have to kill your program, you don't have to close the window, CTRL+C reboot crazy stuff like that, generally you can hit CTRL+C and it will just abort the program right where it is, in case you ever get trapped in some awkward situation.