凯蒂·霍夫(Katie Hoff),斯蒂芬妮·赖斯(StephanieRice),这两位分别来自美国和澳大利亚的选手自2007年起连续4次刷新纪录,将原纪录提高了4秒之多。
HOFF Katie 凯蒂·霍夫
American Katie Hoff was the favorite in the 400-meter freestyle race. But Adlington was inspired by a mental image.
Today, we're gonna be looking at freestyle swimming with two of our club's brightest stars, Michael Phelps and Katie Hoff.
NEW YORK (AP) -- Swimmer Katie Hoff has changed coaches after a disappointing Olympics in which the six-time world champion failed to win a gold medal in a half dozen events.
New York (AP)—游泳运动员凯蒂•霍夫在经历了一个令人失望的奥林匹克比赛后,近日更换了教练。 在此届比赛中,蝉联六届冠军的霍夫在六场较量中没有获得一块金牌。