...类型(Item Type) 对齐(Justification) 多行(Multi-Line) 隐藏数据(Conceal Data) 保持光标位置(Keep Cursor Position) 弹出式菜单(Popup Menu) 文件名(Filename) 执行模式(Execution Mode) 通讯模式(Communication Mode) 数据源数据块(Dat...
This function does a good bit of position-munging, but it all boils down to a simple idea: Keep constant the precise distance between the mouse cursor and the target object.
该函数做很多位置整理(position - munging)工作,但都可归结为一个简单的思想:不断保存鼠标光标与目标对象之间的精确的距离。
In ODBC terms, a driver maintains a cursor to keep track of its position in the recordset.