ketyl radicals 及羰自由基
metal ketyl radical 金属羰游离基
ketyl radical anions 酮自由基阴离子
sodium diphenyl-ketyl 钠化二苯酮游基
以上来源于: WordNet
This radical attacks the carbonyl group to an intermediate bicyclic ketyl.
When the amine was used as a triplet quencher, the ketyl radical of ketocoumarin can be observed evidently.
Methods and recent development of isolation of structurally characterizable alkali, alkaline earth and lanthanide metal ketyl radical complexes were reviewed in the paper.
介绍了利用金属离子的配位作用捕获并分离重要有机反应中间体—— 自由基中间体的研究方法和最新进展。