key-point control 重点控制
KeyOrganizational Key-point Control 控制焦点
key control point 关键控制点
key point of control 防治关键点
key-process point of control 关键工序控制点
KCP Key Control Point 关键控制点
Quality key control point 品质控制点设置
key quality control point 质量控制要点
the key harmed control point 关键危害控制点
Pushing the total quality control including registered permanent residence management, GAP management, ISO9000 management, damage analysis, key point control and on the spot management;
The key point here is that Shiro's API is largely intuitive because it reflects the natural tendency for developers to think in 'per-user' security control.
The key to an EGR system is introduced, and the control of exhaust gas quantity recirculation quantity of that in every point at best.