... 不可替代的 难于模仿的 稀有的 外包 4.2.1 战略制定—相关概念和理论 KSF分析: 关键成功因素(Key Successful Factors) 是指影响企业或者其产品在行业中地位的条件、能力或 者其它变量等关键因素,它决定企业在竞争中的优势。
三、 NPO 产业化的成功关键因素(Key Successful Factor) 品牌营销, 优良的责信与健全的管理体系对 NPO 产业化有乘数效果 (Synergistic Effect)是产业化的 KSF。 参考文献: 16 1.
知识管理©温源凤、汤凯喻(2007) 5 关键成功因素的应用 学者将关键成功因素(key successful factor, KSF)的概念陆续应用到各领域之中。
Secondly I concluded the key successful factor of the Guarantee business in Xiamen, and analyzed the ability of the key successful factor. And I compared the XX Guarantee's resource and strategic ability with its competitors.
参考来源 - XX担保投资有限公司竞争战略研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Then key successful factor was analyzed, and the key goal index was established.
The functional selection of urban commercial street is the core of commercial street planning, and its correspondence with consumption demand is key successful factor.
In general I have stayed away from pointing out management as a key success factor in the Startup Review case studies because with any successful company the team should be given credit.
一般来说,在Starup Review的案例研究中,我不会将管理层作为一个关键成功因素,因为任何一个成功的公司,团队必然是有一定声誉的。