keyboard data recorder 链盘数据记录器 keyboard display system 链盘显示系统 keyboard entry 链盘输入 ..
The first time Ångström boots, it inspects the buses on the system and initializes the keyboard, display, mouse, Ethernet adapter, and any other peripherals, then finds the correct drivers to use.
在 Ångström 第一次引导时,它会检查系统上的总线,初始化键盘、显示器、鼠标、以太网适配器和所有其他外设,然后寻找要使用的驱动程序。
In this paper, the design of an intelligent character input keyboard and LCD display system is presented.
Application programmers perforce learned how to program the video display, keyboard, and mouse directly because neither MS-DOS nor the system BIOS did so adequately.
而程序员则必须学会如何编写程序来直接控制视频显示、键盘、和鼠标,因为MS - DOS和BIOS在这方面都做的不够。