Kimberly-Clark Corporation 金佰利公司 ; 金佰利 ; 金百利克拉克
Kimberly-Clark Corp 金佰利 ; 金佰利公司 ; 的金伯利
Kimberly Clark Sharp 金佰利·夏普 ; 光之后
Kimberly Clark 金佰利 ; 和金佰利
Kimberly-Clark PROFESSIONAL 金佰利商用
Kimberly-Clark Worldwide Inc 申请人
Kimberly-Clark co 和金佰利
This website is owned and operated by Kimberly-Clark Corporation.
That was too much for Kimberly-Clark, the maker of Huggies nappies, which announced in 2012 that it would pull out of most of Europe.
There's no better place to have a conversation than over a cup of coffee -- and the management teams at Kimberly-Clark offices in Central America get that.
如果能边喝咖啡边交谈那真是再好不过了。 对此,金佰利(Kimberly-Clark)中美洲公司的管理团队就深有体会。