...叠椅 满足机构的一些设计需要: 运动方面的要求 受力情况的改善 构件(Link)的形态变异:杆状变为块状 运动副(Kinematic Pair)的形态变异:转 动副变为移动副,将运动副扩大至包含整 个构件 运动参照的变化(Inversion):选不同构件 作机架(机架变换、运动...
spatial kinematic pair [机] 空间运动副 ; 空间运动 ; 空间活动副
planar kinematic pair [力] 平面运动副
closure of kinematic pair 运动对之闭合
connectivity of a kinematic pair 运动对之自由度
reaction of kinematic pair [机] 运动副反力
Kinematic Pair Classification 运动副的分类
connectivity of kinematic pair 运动对之自由度
kinematic pair clearance 运动副间隙
以上来源于: WordNet
And it also got Jacobian matrix by using the speed superposition principle through regarding mobile platform as Generalized Kinematic Pair.
Further structural decomposition of the driving unit, several planar six linkage and three bar four kinematic pair branch chains were gotten.
A robust design method of planar linkage mechanism is proposed when the length errors of links and the kinematic pair clearances are taken into account.