正是西方列强对以色列的行为睁一只眼闭一只眼,才迫使沙特阿拉伯的费萨尔国王(King Faisal)、阿联酋的 扎耶德 ( Sheikh Zayed )和其他阿拉伯国家实施石油禁运。
1974年,Saudi Arabia的 King Faisal (费瑟国王) 被 TIME 选为『Person of the Year』,21岁的陈律师当之也无愧。
King Faisal University 沙特费萨尔国王大学
King Faisal Babes 法塞尔国王队
King Faisal Garden 距离费萨尔国王花园
king faisal international prize 费萨尔国王国际奖
The murder in 1958 of his cousin Faisal, king of Iraq, who was six months older than he was, seemed to presage the inevitable demise of the House of Hashem elsewhere.
1958年,比他长半年并身为伊拉克国王的表哥费索(Faisal)被谋杀,这起谋杀事件似乎预示了其它地方的神殿(House of Hashem)必然遗赠给他。
Al Faisal, nephew of Saudi Arabia's King Khalid, teamed up with French engineer Georges Mougin to create an ill-fated company based on tapping iceberg water.