Kinsey scale 金赛量表 ; 金量表
Alfred Kinsey 阿尔弗雷德·金赛 ; 金赛博士
Kinsey Reports 金赛报告
Kinsey Millhone 密尔虹 ; 米尔豪恩 ; 金西·密尔虹
The Kinsey Report 金赛性学报告
Carol Kinsey Goman 高曼 ; 博士
Kinsey Wilson 威尔逊 ; 威尔森
Alfred Charles Kinsey 金赛 ; 博士 ; 阿尔弗雷德·金赛
Kinsey Institute 研究所 ; 金赛研究所
以上来源于: WordNet
Things do seem different for men and women, but, if the Kinsey research is accurate, not in exactly the ways we expected.
The survey of couples from the US, Germany, Spain, Japan and Brazil was carried out by researchers from the Kinsey Institute at America's Indiana University.
Just make sure to look away at some point - as Carol Kinsey Goman writes on Forbes, too much eye contact can feel rude or intimidating for the other person.