... know better than (to) 应懂得不该, 明事理而不至于(做某事) know by heart 记在心中 know of 知道,听说,对...知情 ...
to know by heart 牢记 ; 会背
know it all by heart 明白句句情真意切 ; 都已心领神会
I Know You By Heart 我懂你的心 ; 左小沂
Because they know by heart 因为他们了然于心
I know it by heart 我牢记在心
KNOW YOU BY HEART 从内心知道你 ; 计俊萨克斯独奏 ; 萨克斯 ; 犯罪的伙伴
know their parts by heart 熟记他们的台词
And I could only call the handful of Numbers that I know by heart.
There is hardly a corner, hairpin or chicane that we do not know by heart.
I've dialled the number so many times I know it by heart.
He wants to know if they are the same men who so callously broke their father's heart by selling Joseph, his father's favorite, so many years ago.
But in your heart you know it can't be done by today.
Second thing, we started talking about the periodic table and I believe that it's a hallmark of any educated person in the 21st century who is technically literate to know the periodic table by heart.