美国经济学家保罗•克鲁格曼 (Krugman Paul)创立了国际贸易中的规模经济理论。这个理论放松了规模报酬 不变的假 设,引入产业经济学的市场结构理论,强调报酬递增和不完全竞...
Paul Krugman 保罗·克鲁格曼 ; 克鲁格曼 ; 克鲁曼 ; 克鲁明
paul R Krugman 克鲁格曼
Dr Paul Krugman 克鲁格曼博士
Paul Robin Krugman 另一位经济学奖得主保罗克鲁曼
In a recent article in the New York Review of Books, Paul Krugman and Robin Wells lay down another marker in this debate, while caricaturing my recent book, Fault Lines, in the process.
PAUL KRUGMAN: I think it was meant mainly as a technical cleanup—just a reduction in the aid to banks, not a contractionary policy; and maybe also as a non-substantive sop to the inflation hawks.
PAUL KRUGMAN: As a technical matter, it's almost impossible to leave the euro-any country that even began the process would face the mother of all bank runs.