萨克生物研究学院(La Jolla Calif)的迷信家发掘岂论何时检测在活动轮上奔跑的成年“老鼠”都会发掘它们海马区(大脑的一个区域,触及研习和记忆)的细胞比那些只是坐...
“It was completely unexpected,” Jean Rivier, with the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, Calif., told Discovery News. “They couldn’t identify the mice except for their ear tags.
“这真是完全意想不到”,来自加州La Jolla的索尔克生物化学研究院的基恩瑞味儿告诉探索频道:“除非看耳朵上的标签,否则无法区分这些小老鼠,我们意识到老鼠们长出了毛发。”
Further assistance came from the National Resource for Automated Molecular Microscopy located at Scripps Institute in la Jolla, Calif.
"The field is going through a minirenaissance, " says chemical biologist Gerald Joyce of the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, Calif.
位于加利福利亚州La Jolla的斯克里普斯研究所的生物化学家Gerald Joyce说,该领域正在经历一场迷你版的文艺复兴运动。