University of Chicago Laboratory School 芝加哥大学附属高中 ; 伊利诺伊州芝加哥大学实验中学 ; 芝加哥大学实验学校
Chicago University Laboratory School 芝加哥大学实验学校
Experimental school Laboratory school 实验学校
Binzhou Laboratory School Southeast 滨州实验学校东南角
LSU Laboratory School 路易斯安那州立大学实验学校
Bronx Laboratory School 布朗克斯区实验学校
Burris Laboratory School 伯里斯实验学校
Greenwood Laboratory School logo 绿树林实验室学校
以上来源于: WordNet
At the University of Chicago laboratory school the first elementary school was founded by John Dewey.
He founded the University of Chicago Laboratory School, the first of its kind, around the turn of the century.
In a large, well-endowed school, the opportunities for laboratory work are likely to be greater.