第二节 光吸收的基本定律 一、朗伯-比耳定律(Lambert-Beer law) 1、透射比T(透光度): 透射光强度与入射光强度的比值It/I0称为~ 2、吸光度A:物质在某一波长处对光吸收程度的大小。
近红外光谱法的理论依据是朗伯-比尔定律(Lambert-Beer Law):溶液或介质 所吸收或者透过的辐射量是溶液或介质中吸收物质的浓度和辐射通过样品的光程长 的指数函数 [5] ,即: 0 10 bc I I ...
lambert beer law 朗伯 ; 比尔定律
The lambert-Beer law 比尔定律
beer-lambert law 比尔 ; 比尔–朗伯定律 ; 不透光度 ; 朗伯定律
the modified lambert-Beer law 修正的朗伯
Lambert-Beer law of infrared absorption 朗伯
law of lambert-beer 朗伯比耳定律
Beer Lambert law 兰伯特定律
the law of lambert-beer 朗伯比尔定律
The results showed that the X-ray shielding of the nylon 6 composite increased as the thickness density increased. Moreover, the test results observed the Lambert-Beer law.
The factors influencing the Lambert Beer law are introduced. And the relation between absorption spectra and the spectral bandwidth is analyzed.
This paper, I 'm going to discussion the cause about work curve deviate the law of lambert-Beer in the spectrum analysis.