land tax [税收] 土地税 ; 地租 ; [税收] 地税
vacant land tax [税收] 土地闲置税
unused land tax 土地闲置熟 ; [税收] 土地闲置税 ; [税收] 未利用土地税
house and land tax 房地产税
development land tax 改良土地税
urban house-land tax 城市房地产水
feudal land tax 田赋 ; 赋税
land tax and other levies 租税 ; 旧时田赋和各种税款的总称
urban house and land tax 市房地产税
Property taxes are assessed on market value, and if developed, the land would have contributed significantly to the county's overall annual tax revenue.
And the said Chen Jianmin undertakes to pay the land tax and the property tax, and to keep the said flat in all necessary repairs, so long as the said Zhang Jie shall continue therein.
A land tax is needed, too: rural landowners, some of whom in the past financed the paramilitaries, should pay the state to provide security.