... 数字设计和互动的环境建 设Digital Design and Interactive Built Environments - MSc 景观建筑 Landscape Architecture - MA 景观管理 Landscape Management - Diploma/MA ...
Landscape Architecture MA 景观建筑学 ; 园林设计
MA Landscape Architecture 造景建筑专业 ; 景观建筑 ; 景观建筑学硕士
MA Landscape Architecture CMA 景观建筑学
Landscape e Architecture MA 景观建筑学
MA in Landscape Architecture 景观建筑硕士
The MA in Landscape Studies offers opportunities for students from a variety of backgrounds to gain basic knowledge, understanding and skills in landscape Architecture.
The course does not provide professional accreditation, but it is entirely compatible with the first year of the ma in Landscape Architecture, and students may transfer between these courses.